Friday, September 27, 2019

Saturday, In The Park, Volume 2

I had forgotten that, while Maddy was visiting, we took her to Citadel Park Saturday after the rainstorm.  

The rowboats had closed for the day, but other than that, it was pretty much as we saw a week ago.  With the festival, however, there was a stage set up, and some people were break-dancing on it. 

As we walked away, I mentioned to Carol and Maddy that this was something that back in high school my friends and I did all the time, not realizing it would be a thing.  Carol of course knew I was kidding, but Maddy had to check just to be sure.

(I don't need to watch a LOT of break dancing to get my fill of it.  Heck, I don't need to watch a LITTLE.  Nothing against break dancing -- I'm impressed with what they can do, but I don't need to see it for long.)

Before heading to El Xampanyet for cava and a snack, our last stop in the park was the Arc d' Trompf.  A few selfies:

Pretty cool with the balloons.

Millennials take the best selfies.

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