Saturday, September 21, 2019

Palau Guell -- Early Gaudi

There has been no finer architect in the last 150 years than Antoni Gaudi.  Maybe in history, although I will grant that there were many fine architects long ago.  Modernisme architecture is amazing.  

Palau Guell was one of his early houses.  Just off La Ramblas, it is a monument to creativity, craftsmanship, and caring.  It's not just the incredible design, but the whole craftsmanship of the work.  

Can you imagine being a craftsman back in the day and being asked to work on a Gaudi house?  Not only does it mean you were the finest at your job in all of Barcelona, but it also meant your considerable abilities would be stretched to the limit.

This was our first Gaudi of the trip. . .it's hard to believe we waited until Wednesday after landing on Saturday to go to it.  Don't worry, we have plenty more Gaudi in our future on this trip.  Palau Guell also was not open in 2009 when we first came through Barcelona.  In fact, there are at least three Gaudi houses open now that were not open back then.

The front of the house.  Note the towers at top, the second floor antechambers, and the curve of the entrances (very bottom of the picture).  The outside of the house was not as creative as later homes he designed, but the inside of Park Guell is stunning.
View from the back patio of the semicircular
balcony with ceramic decoration.

Just a typical Gaudi ceiling.

Admire the detail on the lights.  

The central salon is the most stunning room  in
 the house.  It gives the feeling of a small cathedral.

The chimney towers on the rooftop
are so creative and whimsical.

This one is my favorite.

 This is us
My selfie game is getting stronger, but
obviously still needs work.  The sun was 
pretty strong -- that's my story and I'm
sticking to it!

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