Saturday, September 28, 2019

Maddy's Final Hours. . .In Barcelona

After leaving Sagrada Familia with a renewed sense of awe and wonder, we walked the six blocks or so back to the Verdaguer Metro stop, where we stopped at a nearby bakery/coffee shop for a Nutella and creme crepe/sparkling water for me, a Nutella crepe for Maddy, and a strawberry waffle for Carol.  The ladies both got some sort of fancy coffee.

Yes, I know there is a Metro stop right at Sagrada Familia, but that would entail transferring, which can be a long, hot walk underground.  Much easier to walk to the yellow line stop.  We then took it to Sant Jaume I, where we headed to the Cathedral.

This time, I didn't take any photos.  Also this time, the 13 geese in the cloisters made a LOT more noise than the last time.  In fact, last time we visited the Cathedral, they were quiet.  This time, they were loudly honking.

After the walking through the Cathedral, we took Maddy to Sagardi for lunch, so she could experience Toothpick Tapas (trademark phrase pending).  Finally, we hit the beach for an hour or so.

Maddy got a full Barcelona experience on steroids.  Walking tours of El Born, the Barri Gotic, and La Ramblas.  Four different Gaudi places.  The Cathedral.  The beach (twice, once for drinks and once for sun).  The cava bar, the wine bar, the beer bar, and the toothpick tapas.  A great brunch.  Not bad for less than 72 hours in the city! 

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