Sunday, September 15, 2019

Saturday In The Park

After our nap, we walked over to Parc de la Ciutadella.  It's just around the corner from us, and turns out to be VERY cool place to hang out. 

When we first showed up, I said, "ah, this is a 15 minute park."  And then we started walking through it.  No humidity.  Humanity all around, but it wasn't crowded.  Adults, couples, kids, dogs, all enjoying the park.  There's grassy areas, and then a pond with rowboats.  

And then we came to the famous fountain, designed by Josep Fontere, with possible contributions by a young Antoni Gaudi.  Apparently no one knows for certain, so we'll just say he had a hand in it.

This is us, at the fountain in Parc de la Ciutadella.

At the entrance to the park

Seems pretty serious.

Quite the zoom lens.

This was taken from the same
spot as the photo above.

The bubble guy was awesome.

As is this picture of his handiwork against the
sky.  It was a beautiful way to spend the
afternoon in the park.

We're getting this for our house.
We'll put it in the backyard
as to not be ostentatious.

Whoa Nellie!  These horses are clearly as upset
as I that Merriam-Webster may add the
incorrect spelling of whoa to their dictionary.

We then walked over to the Catalonian Parliament building.  Just then, a flock pigeons flew fast, and nearly out of control, at us.  We ducked multiple times, but there were no collisions, and, thankfully, no pigeon dropping on us!  

There is a beautiful sculpture in a pond, and kids were playing soccer with their dads, and dogs were roaming around (under control).  And it was perfect.

This downspout is on the Parliament building.
Perhaps a comment on politicians?

I'm showing this sculpture with
Parliament behind it so I can

Put this photo in context. Despite the
broken pinky finger, it's a cool shot. 

Whimsical whimsy in the park.

After that, we headed over to the Arc de Triomf, which is at the end of an extension of the park.  It's not as famous as in Paris, but it is quite cool nonetheless.  Street shows were going on, and everyone was happy.

Do you like the story arc so far?

Afterwards, we went back to the main park, sat on a bench, and watched various families playing.  Very chill. That's an advantage of a month in one place -- instead of rushing through the park, we took our time, people-watched, and enjoyed the heck out of the place!  Better than rushing through it in 15 minutes! 

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