Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fly Like An Eagle

Friday morning we were up early, because we had to pack, check out, and head up the mountain for our 10am and 11am paragliding.  We had Reinhard and Michael as our pilots.

I must confess to some apprehension at times, but Torie was particularly fired up to do it.  She and Julia went first -- running down the mountain a few steps before taking off and sailing into the valley.  When we compared notes afterwards, their experience was similar to mine (and Maddy). 

Julia and her pilot Michael

A view from high in the air

Torie & Reinhard landing

After hooking up to the gear and the parasglider, we ran a few steps to get the glider up in the air, and then picked up speed.  I slipped on the steep slope, regained my balance, and kept running.  Very quickly we were up in the air, lifting higher.  We caught the updraft off the mountains, circling continuously in the air high above the valley.  It was brisk but not overly cold. 

Maddy geared up, getting ready to go.  That's
not snow in the left of the picture, that's
Reinhard's paraglider.

As we circled, I waved to Maddy, but she wouldn't let go and wave back.  After a bit, however, she relaxed and would wave.  Heck, she and Reinhard even did some spirals on the way down -- Michael did a little, but not many. 

While we were still up high, we were joined by two golden eagles, which soared up and around us.  All the while, Michael was taking pictures, letting go at points to get good shots (which you see here).  Meanwhile, Reinhard was shooting short videos, which we looking forward to seeing, and posting perhaps if I can figure out how, when back in the states. 

One of the eagles that joined us on flight

The Iron Tourist with his trusty pilot

A view from up high

After flying around up high for a long time, we lazily headed down, skimming over trees, heading to other side of the valley.  It was a magnificient experience.  I highly recommend it for anyone to try.  As I noted, I was a bit nervous, but once we got into the air, it was a great experience and I had no concerns.  Michael and I could even carry on conversations -- I had thought the wind would be too much.

And, I didn't John Denver the landing.  As we got very close to the ground, it seemed like we picked up speed, but we landed no problem -- three or four running steps and stop.  Maddy landed at nearly the exact same moment.  We gave each other the thumbs up -- it was definitely a euphoric moment, driven by an adrenaline high.  We headed to the car, I zipped off my legs (they recommended long pants for the flight to keep warm -- it was much warmer in the valley by that time, so I zipped off the bottom of my pants that I have for hiking, and we headed off for Lucerne, Switzerland.

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