Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Slow Boat to Juneau

Well, if Sunday was the longest day, Monday was the longest morning. To an extent. While I slept in till 7:15 on Sunday, Monday I was up before six am, and headed up to the ship’s library/coffee house to do work. I had purchased 270 minutes of internet time for $100, so I would go on line, post what I had written in Word, and then go off-line. Except I also had “work work” to do – not just blogging (which is why I’m a bit behind). So that kept me busy until it was time to wake everyone at 7:30.

Carol was feeling a bit better, but still out of it. I figured she would feel better once we docked in Juneau and she got on land. We did the Tai Chi class – which had nearly tripled in size. Going through the Inner Passage, I did keep looking for whales. Later in the morning, when I was back working in the library (10th deck), Carol and I spotted whales again.

(Whoops – forgot to mention that from Sunday – we were walking the third deck, and saw a whale ((maybe two?)). It didn’t come way out of the water – it would surface, blow, and then stick up a relatively small fin. I even thought it might be a porpoise, but I checked – porpoises don’t blow, and they also travel in large groups, akin to cruise ships. So, it was a whale or two.)

The girls watched another movie in their cabin while I worked and Carol read. She was definitely getting antsy. We had an early lunch – Carol and Torie were doing the “Whales and Rainforest Trails” excursion and had to be ready at 12:30. One key decision Maddy and I talked about was to see if we could switch out of the level two excursion of glacier trekking and go to level three – the extreme level. I waited patiently on line after breakfast and was able to make the switch. More on that in the next blog post.

While Carol and Torie went ashore – beating me to Alaska! – Maddy and I killed time until our group was meeting to go ashore at 1pm. We even played some basketball on the top deck, until we realized that tiring ourselves out before the glacier work didn’t make much sense.

I will try to get Carol or Torie to write something up about their tour later today (if time), and I will post on mine and Maddy’s incredible trip to extreme glaciering later today.

Oh, and I have a bunch of conference calls and work!

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