Monday, August 29, 2011

Running on the Puget Sound

Saturday and Sunday are mixed days on this cruise. By that, I mean both interesting and boring. Interesting because, which this is considered a mid-sized cruise ship, it is MUCH larger than the one we were on from Athens to Istanbul. That held 150 passengers and 80 crew. This holds 1800 passengers and 800 crew (approximately).

So there is much more to explore and do on this ship. Saturday is spent getting ready to go, making sure all documents are filled out, making sure baggage is collected, going on the bus from the hotel, checking in (a massive, well run procedure) and getting on the boat. We’re in the cheap seats – no verandah or deck for us. That’s fine – there are plenty of public spaces and open decking to relax and sight see in.

Before departing, we had a buffet lunch and then the safety drill.

The ship departed prior to 4pm, and steamed through the beautiful Puget Sound. We could see Mt. Rainier for miles after we left, and the mountains to the West (Olympic National Park), and further north to the east along the Cascades.

After exploring the public areas of the ship with Carol, and watching the scenery, I went for a run along deck three (outside), so I ran six laps – two miles – on Puget Sound. It was great – except for the part where the wind would blow me sideways – although having the wind at my back for half of each lap made it easy.

The girls went for a swim in the aft pool, we checked on conditions back East with Hurricane Irene, and then got ready for a CPAC reception and dinner. The food on the cruise is very good, and they are psychotic about illnesses, etc. Given the occasional cruise ship problem with stomach illnesses, that’s a good thing – especially because you wouldn’t take nearly as many precautions as we do after being warned about it.

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