Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Pressures of Being the Iron Tourist

Vienna really grew on us throughout the day yesterday.  And, I'll probably post on it tonight.  My usual routine of getting up early to write and download pictures was interrupted by work this morning.  Plus, after covering a lot of ground in Vienna yesterday, I'm a tad tired.

I've had no luck with adding photos -- for some reason my camera won't communicate with the computer -- which is a problem I've never had before.  Bought a card reader at a camera shop yesterday (thanks to Mrs. Iron Tourist for spotting the store!).

And now, one anonymous comment on the blog suggests that I work my family so hard on these trips that its surprising that I have not been defenestrated!  I'm sure that was written in jest -- I think!  Or, it was written by my daughter Julia.  (It's still the highlight of the trip for her, seeing the window that created a word.  The word is fun to say at least!  C'mon, use it in a sentence at least once today.)

Anyhow, we'll be off to Schloss Schonbrunn (Castle Schonbrunn) for the morning, and then to Hertz Rental Car to head to the Alps.  Our plan is to stop in Melk to see the monastery and the real Danube!  My only concern is getting the heck out of Vienna by following signs that we don't really understand.

Back to blogging tonight!

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