Friday, August 12, 2011

Riffs on Austria

I'm now at the point where I'm more than a day behind on the blog. . .It's Carol's birthday, so I let everyone sleep in. . .the hotel is amazing. . .and the views of the Alps are even better.  We have a good sized deck off our room, with a mountain river going past and views on all three sides of different mountains.  We are south of Innsbruck in the small mtn valley town of Neustift.

There are about a dozen Neustifts in Austria, according to the GPS -- thankfully I had checked it out in advance and knew the name of the state.

People in Vienna and so far in Neustift seem much happier and outgoing than in Prague.  As beautiful as Prague is, I don't remember one person in Prague who made an impression on us during our dealings with them. 

Half of Austria is under reconstruction -- some of the key rooms in both of the palaces, the outside of the Stephansdom, and the roads.  The Autobahn was fun to drive -- when I could average 85-100 mph.  Other times it slowed to a crawl because of construction or wide trucks.  Other than cursing and telling the other drivers to get their acts together, I was calm and didn't show any signs of road rage during those slowdowns.  Well, other than the cursing and telling off the other drivers.

We've not been able to find any laundromats, so Carol has been handwashing our clothes in the sink and letting them airdry. 

Well, off to breakfast and a hike in the Alps.  More blogging later.

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