Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Note to Loyal Readers -- Homeward Bound

While this is a long-term blog -- meant to last well into the future -- I'm well aware that some folks check it every day until the trip ends.  We're home (not without challenges getting here!), but I've got at least four more posts to do -- The last round of pics, Favs, Riffs, and our last full day in Switzerland.  Two of those three are written, and one is partly done -- it's just a matter of polishing them up and posting them.

I know of several friends who have written travel blogs after reading mine -- so if you do as well, please email me the link.

Anyhow, our flight home was unremarkable, although the girls were bitter when I upgraded Mrs. Iron Tourist and myself to Economy Plus, but left them back in Steerage, where they would surely drown if we hit an iceberg.  I wasn't going to pay for teenagers (I love them, but there's a limit, and Economy Plus is it!) to have a bit of extra space when they can easily contort themselves and fit.

Anyhow, all went well (except for the idiotic customs lines, in which the customs agents were yelling at the people for not standing in one line even though there are no ropes or stanchions to do so.  So, the feds were blaming the taxpayers for causing a problem, instead of solving it -- can't be the first day this happened.  Frankly, it really was a problem, but if they thought it was, they should have fixed it instead of yelling at people) until we got to the car (phew, that was certainly a long parenthetical insert).

I locked the keys in the car on purpose, and went to use the code to unlock it.  Except the car battery was todt (that's "dead" in German).  So we called the Dulles parking guys and Triple A to see who would arrive first, unlock our car, and give us a jump.  After a good 45-50 minute wait, they essentially arrived at the same time, dividing up the chores.  Triple A unlocked the car, and the Dulles parking guys jumpstarted us. 

Sort of like jumpstarting a blog!  More to come.

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