Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happiness was Liechtenstein in My Rearview Mirror

(I will admit, the ability to modify nearly any song title to fit a blog post takes a particular talent.  Not a good talent, but a talent nonetheless.)

It's early morning in Lucerne, and I am desperately trying to get caught up on the blog before waking the others.  Our hotel -- Der Seehotel Hermitage -- is outside of the city and on the Lake's edge, so the view from my desk is of Mt. Pilatus towering over the lake.  Off in the distance are snow-covered peaks, while the town is partially visible to the right.

Yesterday, after parasailing (see blog post below), we drove three plus hours from Neustift to Lucerne.  The ride was relatively interesting and boring at the same time.  Interesting because we were surrounded by the Alps.  Boring because at times we headed through miles long narrow tunnels where the goal was not to hit the side or the cars around you.

As it turns out, our route took us through Liechtenstein, which is approx. 62 square miles hosting 35,000 people.  It is a constitutional monarchy run by a prince.  That's pretty much more than you need to know about the country.  Anyhow, at the border, some people were getting out of their car and running into the border station -- maybe they wanted their passports stamped by the country (who knows!).  The car in front of us got pulled over.  Carol prepared by pulling out our passports, and seemed disappointed when we were simply waved through.

After getting to Lucerne in the late afternoon, Torie and I went for a swim in the very cold Lake Lucerne.  Once we got swimming, we warmed up a bit, but it was clearly mountain snow melt temps -- probably mid-60s or lower.  Coldest water Torie's ever swum in, and possibly colder than when I went swimming in Maine as a kid.

We then drove into town, saw the famed Dying Lion monument in the rock -- very arresting, walked the city walls that are open to the public, and then went to the famous bridges of Lucerne  (or  Luzern as the Swiss spell it).

We had dinner at an overpriced restaurant along the river.  The food was fine, but the price was steep!  Carol and I shared a bottle of local wine.  Julia asked if it was good -- I drily noted that Switzerland is famous for its watches and its chocolate.  So, while we skipped Czech wine, we did have Austrian and Swiss wines.  There's a reason I don't get email offers on Austrian or Swiss wine.  Been there, done that.  No need to do it again.

Walking around the old city -- even with nearly all the stores closed -- was beautiful, passing by fountains, designs on houses, and restaurants with tables set out in the square.  After returning to the hotel, Carol and I had a relaxing drink on the patio overlooking the mountains and the lake.  Lucerne really is a pretty place.

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