Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Not Lukenbach, but Murrenbach. Not Johann Bach, but Staubbach.

Because of the weather, Monday afternoon was a pretty quiet time. While the laundry was going, Carol and I climbed partway up the mountain toward Wengen, so that I could get some view pictures. Of course, with the low clouds and mist, the views were not as dramatic as they were on Tuesday.
Lauterbrunnen Valley is still pretty in the rain. When we returned from the hike – through the woods and over the river, if that sequence is allowed – the laundry was done. We returned to the hotel room for a couple of hours, where Carol read and I did work. Given the amount of work I had to do at that time, perhaps the rain was fortuitous.

At 6pm, we drove to Staubbach Falls (there is huge divide locally -- some locals call it “Roger” and others call it “Rusty” – it can get ugly), and then down to the end of the valley. There, I spotted a signpost for a hike to a hidden waterfall. It was a brief, but beautiful hike (Maddy and Carol skipped it – Maddy because of her toe and Carol because she’d had enough hiking for the day). The waterfall (one of 72) was hidden in a tree-filled glade. It wasn’t one of the many you could see diving down the cliff walls of the valley, but was older and had cut quite a swath into the mountain. It – like Trummelbach falls – pounded angrily. Staubbach Falls – and the other off the cliff falls like Murrenbach.

We headed back to the hotel for my conference call and dinner. While it was clearly the quietest day of the trip (because of the rain), we still had covered the valley very thoroughly.

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