Friday, October 11, 2019

A Good Walk Around Girona

I didn't expect to write three blog posts about our day in Girona, but here we are.  It's a testament to just what a great day trip place it is.

After lunch, we decided to walk the city walls.  That's a Carol and Glen tradition dating way back to our honeymoon, when we walked the city walls of York, England.  We've certainly hit many.  The first stretch was a narrow wall that led to the monastery turned archealogical museum.  We did a quick tour of the monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants, with a cloister.  Great stuff all around.

Then we went to walk the rest of the wall, but we missed the entrance.  So we walked along the base of it in the hot sun.  After a stop at the university bar for a water, we continued on, but missed the next entrance as well (we should have gone up the university driveway, not stayed on the main road!).

Oh well, we did walk on it for that one stretch, so it counts!  We made our way back to the center of town, enjoying very creamy gelato and crossing several of the seven bridges over the Onyar River.

We then made the 15 minute walk back to the train station, got on the 5:11 back to Barcelona, and said goodbye to Girona.  It's definitely worth the day trip. 

Narrow city wall.

Cool shot with the bell perfectly framed.

Girona is surrounded by mountains.

City wall and monastery.

There's always room for pictures
of cypress trees on the blog!

The monastery tower.

A sundial.  Not very reliable at
keeping time, which is its' job!


The frame of a rose window.

He seems troubled.

The cloister.

The monastery dates back to the 12th Century.

Beautiful red ivy.

Red bridge selfie.

A parting pic.

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