Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Relaxing In The Park

Don and Jennifer had not been to the park, so at Carol's suggestion we had a picnic for lunch on Sunday.  The hardest part of the picnic was finding a place open on Sundays that sold sandwiches.  

(Editor's Note: Picnics are NOT hard.  You make it sound so dramatic.  Blogger: If you don't think there is drama in trying to find sandwiches for a picnic. . .you don't know drama.)

The drama of finding a sandwich consisted of Carol and I using our phones to search for bocadillos, which are Spanish sandwiches.  Google maps did not like that.  Nor did Google.  We found a place with bocadillo in its name, but Madrid was too far to go just for sandwiches.  

Finally a place right near the park popped up.  It was a bar that had both bocadillos AND sandwiches on the menu.   As far as I can tell, the difference is that bocadillos are pre-made and simple, whereas sandwiches are fresh made and have a bit more than just a meat and cheese.  But, don't be surprised if I am wrong about this!

Carol cut up some fresh peaches, and she also put together figs, cheese, nuts, and seedless grapes.  We went to the sandwich place.  The GPS took us to the wrong street, but then self-corrected and we had just been a block away.  Instead of being on the west side of the buildings, Cafe del Born was on the right side.  

We spread out our ten Euro beach blanket on the grass near a fountain, and proceeded to have a feast.  It's a great park for people, and dog, watching.  Nobody was out walking their cat.  Nobody ever is.  Cats are not pets.  Cats are (Editor's Note: When did this turn into a anti-cat rant?  Some of your readers might own cats.  Blogger:  Whoops.  Sorry, back on track now!).

After finishing, we all popped immediately to our feet from the ground.  (Editor's Note: Fake News!)  Okay, we all struggled to our feet like we are old and have bad knees, etc.  

Afterwards, we showed them the park.  Up at the top of the famed fountain (Gaudi may have worked on it as a student of architecture), they had impromptu Spanish dancing going on, and locals were doing whatever cool dancing it was.  Needless to say, Don/Jennifer, Carol and I all immediately joined in, mimicking every dance step and swing with aplomb.  (Blogger's Note: Will save you the trouble -- no we did not!).

Anyhow, it was cool.  The only thing missing was the bubble guy.  There was a Hispanic girl being photographed around the fountain steps for her quinceanera, wearing a beautiful gown and a happy smile, in that way that happy teenagers do.  When they are happy.

We then headed over to the Arc d Trompf.  On our way, we admired the sculptures, enjoyed the street artists, and basked in yet another fine weather day.  

Citadel Park is a special place.  It feels like it is our park.  Well, ours and all the other people using it.

On the way back, instead of taking the easy route along the side of the park, we plunged into the winding, narrow streets of El Born.  I've been at the point for a while where I don't need a map or GPS (unless we are going to specific address).  Yes, we took streets we hadn't been on before, but I also know that as long as we are headed in the right general direction I will run into a street, a church, or a restaurant that I know.  

Aimlessly wandering around El Born and Barri Gotic is a great way to spend to waste some time!

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