Saturday, October 5, 2019

Miles Walked -- Week Three

Mileage for this past week is a bit more underwhelming.  Between the wine tour Thursday and being sick on Friday, I did not get nearly as many miles in.  Carol, on the other hand, put in 11 miles on Friday, so at least one of us isn't slacking off.

Saturday, 9/28:                 7.86 miles
Sunday, 9/29:                   7.98 miles
Monday, 9/30:                  8.92 miles
Tuesday, 10/1:                 5.79 miles
Wednesday, 10/2:            6.26 miles
Thursday, 10/4:                3.92 miles
Friday, 10/5:                     4.01 miles

Total, Week Three:           44.74 miles
Average Week Three:        6.39 miles per day

Total On Trip:               160.36 in three weeks
Average Per Week:         53.45 miles 

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