Monday, October 14, 2019

Welcome to the 1700s

After lunch at the old bull ring mall, we took Metro back to the Arc de Trompf stop, which put us near the Born Cultural Center.  

When they were going to redo the old Born Market, they found the remains of an old part of the city, dating back to the 1700s underneath the market.  It’s an on-going archaeological sight, but also open to the public.

Back when Bourbon troops (France and Spain) was beating Catalonia up yet another time, the Spanish decided keep a close eye on Barcelona, so they destroyed a neighborhood and built a citadel on the sight.  Homes were destroyed and dirt put over it in the early 1700s.  A lot of people were forced to move to the newly created, nearby, Barceloneta neighborhood.

Time passed and people forgot about what lay underneath.  When the citadel was torn down, and Parc Citudella was created, some of the land nearby the park was built upon, including the old Market.  It was not until the market was going to be redeveloped that the foundations were found, along with much detritus, such as plates, bottles, toys, and other knick-knacks from back in the day.

It’s pretty neat, but if you only have a limited time in Barcelona, it does not need to be on your list of things to do.  We’re glad we went, but we’re kind of nerdy that way with old ruins and stuff.

Another view of the Arc de Trompf.

These homes, businesses were torn down around 1716.

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