Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Last Plane Out Of Barcelona

Well, we're back in the States, despite the best effort of the Spanish judicial system to detain us in Barcelona yesterday.

Okay, so the way that first paragraph is written is a little more about us than the reality of the situation.  However, the reality could be that we would still be in Barcelona.  (I almost wrote "stuck in Barcelona" but no such thing as being "stuck in Barcelona!")

Yesterday (Monday) was the day the judge was supposed to announce the prison terms for nine Catalan separatist leaders.  We knew it would lead to protests, and we were worried we could not get to the airport.

Well, we did get to the airport, which turned out to be lucky.  And we took off, which turned out to be lucky.

After the sentences were announced (nine to 13 years for sedition and, in some cases, embezzlement), there were massive protest marches, including one that shut down the road to the airport and then the airport itself.

We love Barcelona, but we do not love being caught in the middle of a political protest (we leave that to our beloved friend, John Passacantando).

Planes were cancelled, trains were blocked, Metro stopped.  General chaos, which, when you have no place to stay, is not what you are looking out of a trip.  We got to the airport and off the ground at the right time!  

Read about it by clicking the link

We will miss nearly everything about Barcelona, but we're glad we left when we did!

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