Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I Wanted To, But I Refrained From Punching The Mouse

So we did all this before lunch.  For lunch we went to a nice hotel restaurant right across from a main tram stop by Barfusserplatz.  It was expensive, but it was good.  Everything in Switzerland is expensive.  Along with New Zealand, Switzerland is, to me, one of the two most beautiful countries in the world that I've visited.  And my opinion counts for a lot on this blog!

After lunch, we went to the Cathedral.  My camera battery died. . .I had lost track of how long I've been using it, and didn't carry the charged spare with me.  No biggie, some of these are from my camera, and some are from the cell phone.

The Basel Minster was built over the course of 481 years, from 1019 to 1500.  You may find this shocking, but no one person worked on it the whole time.  It has Romanesque and Gothic architecture.  It's not the most exciting cathedral we've ever been in, but it's free despite being in Switzerland.  (You have to pay to go up the tower, but my knee took a pass.)

Built out of beautiful red sandstone and boasting colorful roof tiles, the outside is definitely more interesting than the inside.  In the back of the church (outside), there are commanding views of the Rhine River flowing through the center of the city.  Some interesting history happened here, but google Basel Minster if you are truly willing to read it.

The Mickey Mouse was pretty creepy.
I assume he wanted money.  I wanted
to punch him in the face.  Neither of
us got what we wanted.  He followed
a bunch of teenage girls around the
church.  I wanted to punch him again.

I'm betting he is not an official
ambassador of the Disney Corp.

One without the Mouse.

Rhine photo credits: Julia Bolger

After visiting the Minster, it was time to head up the hill to the university for our PCS COVID tests so we could get back into the country.

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