Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The House of Rats

Okay, I realize I'm obsessed by the fact that the Town Hall is called the "Rathaus" in germanic speaking countries.  is it because I work in politics?  Is it because it implies local elected officials are rats?  I'm not really sure, but I like it.

The building is over 500 years old, and is very interesting on the outside and the main courtyard.  We couldn't tour the building, which is a shame, because it is now where the meetings of the Cantonal parliament (state parliament) and the Cantonal government (state government) are held.

Lavishly decorated on the outside, these photos hopefully will prove to be a feast for your eyes.

On the Marktplatz outside of the Rathaus.

The courtyard.

These might be the most
muscular dogs I've ever seen!

The old mermaid blowing her horn carving.

A demented looking bear.  From a distance
they actually look like demented chickens.

This would make a great
house topper at our home.

This symbolizes. . .I have no idea.


A bear, as sculpted by someone who has never
seen a bear, but only had one described to him.

My guess is that these are crests of cities/towns
in Basel-Stadt, the canton Basel is in.

They seem pretty serious.  Lighten up Francis!

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