Wednesday, December 8, 2021

One Last Visit To Strasbourg

After taking some time in the afternoon to rest and stay out of the rain, we headed back into Strasbourg for one last visit to their markets and dinner. 

Well, we tried to head back in.  Two extremely full trams went by over the course of nearly a half hour, so we decided to Uber in.  That put us off schedule a bit, but we had plenty of time to cover more territory.

We went down around Petit France to check out a couple of markets we hadn’t seen.  The markets themselves were small and not much was going on, except for the sheer number of people.

Street scene.

Noel beer.  Cheers!

From earlier in the day.

So we walked back across the island to our favorite Strasbourg Christmas market, Place Broglie.  We shopped some more (well, I got a Noel beer), and then we got dinner from a market stall.  I had sausages and sauerkraut.  Yes, in France.  But, it’s Alsace Lorraine, so there is a heavy German impact on food, language, and culture.

It’s fun, every so often, to skip going to a restaurant and instead getting dinner from a food stall.  We can’t/won’t eat at food stall every night; it’s nice to sit down and enjoy a restaurant meal.  On the other hand, crowding around small tables shoving tasty food truck-esque meals is great too!

We were able to get back on the tram, jammed in like sardines after a 25 minute wait for the next train.  Carol and I talked fondly of when President Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers for striking (remember all the plane crashes that followed?  Yeah, me neither).  Daughter Julia didn’t even pretend to be interested in our ancient history.

All in all, it was a great two days in Strasbourg.  Beautiful city, wonderful Christmas markets. 

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