Saturday, December 11, 2021

That Reminds Me Of A Joke

And I'm gonna tell it.  But not right now.

Our first stop was at the Cathedral Square where they had a Gourmet Market, about a dozen food stalls with big tables in the center under a tent. 

I immediately went to the stall with foie gras, oysters, and escargot.  Carol and Julia wanted no part of those offerings, so they went to different stalls and got food that wasn't as great as what I got -- foie gras, escargot, and a "cup" of Riesling.  

Those who know me know I'm generally an anti-white wine snob, despite my love of Spanish Albarino.  We had some whites in Portugal that were good, and this Riesling was also good.  I later had a Chardonnay that puts the "nay" in Chardonnay, so don't think I'm going 100% all in on white wine.

The foie gras was excellent, as were the escargot.  My mistake was not going all in and also getting a plate of six oysters.  Six is a lot for me though (if they had a half plate of three, I would have gotten it).  Anyhow, we grabbed a table (standing) and happily munched our late lunch.

Escargot, with some of the foie gras.

Scene from the gourmet market.

A snail goes to a car dealership, and says, I want to buy your fastest sports car.  Salesman is a bit surprised, but takes the snail out on a test drive.  The snail loves the sports car, and says, "I'll buy it.  But first I need you to paint a big "S" on both of the doors (it's a two door).  Salesman says, "Why a big "S?"  Snail says, "Oh, that's easy, so when I drive by, everybody says, 'Look at that S car go!'"

I'll see myself out.


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