Saturday, December 4, 2021

Wandering Through Rothenburg, Vol. II

Well, really, wandering around Rothenburg was what we did pretty much all of the 24 hours we were there.

We spent some more time in the Marktplatz (Market Square).  Rothenburg was fantastic. . .it's hard to imagine how incredible it would be with Christmas market stalls/people bustling about in a happy Christmas mood.

A couple houses and the famous
fountain along Marktplazt.

The aptly named Rathaus, which is German
for city hall.  Incredible building.

Just a typical view along
a Rothenburg city street.

We then stopped at a bakery/cafe for a break/snack/hydration.  Carol and Julia each got lemon pound cake.  I had more guts, and less judgment, as I ordered a Schneeball.  It's the local pastry/snack, and it's terrible.  There are stores that primarily feature Schneeballs.  After trying one, I'm skeptical these stores stay in business without government subsidies.  

I just learned that "Schneeball system" is a German phrase for a pyramid scheme, and I totally believe it.  Going back to the "pastry" (quotes used in an advisory and skeptical manner), a Schneeball is a pastry made from dough and dates back over 400 years.  And the one I ate tasted like it was over 400 years old.  My niece, Ally, who blessed my brother Rick and SIL Sandy with their first grandchild earlier this year, lost some of my confidence in her when she commented on Facebook that she liked Schneeballs.  Sigh.

We needed the break, and it was worth tasting a Schneeball, only because it is so hyped in Rothenburg.  Not everything in the city is wonderful, obviously, but don't let me dissuade you from trying it.  But, I WILL be surprised if your first taste doesn't dissuade you!
Lots of great pastries to choose
from, and I picked a Schneeball!

More Schnellballs than you can eat.
Actually, one is more than I could eat.

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