Monday, June 19, 2023

A Quiet Late Afternoon

After the hike up to Broadway Tower, I was a bit worn out.  So we drove back to DYC and relaxed/got ready for dinner.  I had made reservations at the acclaimed Feathered Nest pub, but we didn't want a 45 minute roundtrip for  dinner, so I had booked The Half Way at Kineton at the early time slot of 6-8 pm, as that's all they had available.

The place is great.  It was our third time there (first for dinner), and it had fabulous food, a good wine list, and a friendly waiter.

It was nice to have such a short commute there (50 yard walk up hill) and back (50 yard walk down hill).  The food at The Half Way pub at Kineton is better than it was at Hollow Bottom.  That's not a knock on the Hollow Bottom pub, just our opinion.

My theory is that it is named The Half Way because it's halfway between Temple Guiting and Guiting Power.  

Drinks the first night
at The Half Way.

The third night featured live music
and a pretty heavy rain storm.

The Half Way Is My New
Favorite British Pub.
My Former Favorite?
All the others I've been to.

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