Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Back To Broadway, And A Roman Villa

After Sudeley Castle, we drove over to Broadway for lunch and a village walkabout.  

We went to The Swan Pub for lunch, sitting outside to enjoy the nice weather.  The food was good, and so was the beer.

One of the cooler pub signs.

After lunch, we walked around Broadway, which we had given short shrift to after the hike a couple days earlier.  We went into a few shops, including one called "The Man Cave" where Carol surreptitiously bought my Father's Day gift.  She had also purchased something else so I wasn't suspicious.  Once again, we had a lengthy, very nice chat with the shopkeeper.

The bookshop in town had this wonderful parody in the window:

I laughed.

After a bit, we headed to the car to drive to the Roman Villa in Chedworth.  Discovered in 1864, not much information is known about it, such as the name and role of the people who lived there.  Because it was such a large and luxurious, it is presumed to have belonged to someone important.

The history is more interesting than the actual ruins.  This is the fourth different country this year in which we have seen Roman ruins (Egypt, Jordan, Spain, and now England).  

While it was fine to walk through, the paucity of photos below underscores that it is not as interesting as I had hope.  I find Roman mosaics to be quite interesting, and there were plenty of them.  Beyond that, there wasn't much left of the villa.

All the mosaics had damage, but. . .

some still looked pretty good.

Some of the "rooms" of the Villa.

More rooms, plus a museum
built by Victorians.

These are called Roman snails.

View from the villa.

The nymphaeum, which is a natural
spring, and served as the villa's
main source of water.  It was turned
into a shrine by the Roman-Britons

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