Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Quiet, And Yet Spectacular, Night

So Carol and I walked up to the pub a couple minutes before 6pm, which is when the guitar player/singer was supposed to start.  It was Sunday evening, so the Half Way pub had stopped serving food at 3pm.  

I was worried the place would be packed because live music, popular pub, rain in the forecast, but that wasn't the case.  Oh, the singer drew a nice crowd group of people, and more showed after we got there.  She was set up outside, which gave us the chance to both listen to her whilst enjoying beautiful views, and to watch the storm clouds roll in.

After getting our drinks from inside, by chance I came upon Sally-Anne and Mick Morrissey.  We had a brief chat, and I mentioned that, whilst they probably had a bunch of friends there at the pub, they were certainly welcome to join us for a drink.

Well after a bit they wandered over, sat down, and then the four of us hit it off like long-time friends.  It really turned into a wonderful evening, listening to the music and chatting with the Morrisseys.

The music and the others all moved inside the pub as the rain came closer.  The four of us finally decided it was time to move inside as well, where we kept up the conversations.  Inside, Sally-Anne and Carol sat down at a table, whilst Mick and I stood by the bar.  

It seems like we talked for hours on end, but I think it was only two. 

At one point I leaned over to the table and tell Sally-Anne not to worry, I wasn't going to write in my VRBO review that we went drinking in the pub together, which she appreciated, as neither of us wanted future renters to expect a similar evening!  I kept my word -- no mention of it in the VRBO review, so only my loyal readers who rent the DYC in Kineton would know.

We walked back down the hill and said fond goodnights.  Carol then heated up the food we bought earlier in the day at the Diddly Squat Farm Shop, and it proved to be mighty tasty, especially paired with Clarkson's Hawkstone Lager (the barley for the beer is grown on Clarkson's Farm).

It was not the fanciest meal, nor the most spectacular evening, but it's the kind of night (and meal) that you yearn for on a trip.  The evening was huge fun.

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