Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Diddly Squat

After so-British lunch of roast beef and yorkshire pudding at the King's Head Pub, we headed over to the Diddly Squat Farm Shop to see what there is to see.  So, between James Bond and Jeremy Clarkson, we were jumping feet first into British media.  The only thing missing is Peaky Blinders.

It was a pleasant drive (primarily because we survived the back roads) until we hit the traffic for the Farm Shop.  Given that it was a Sunday afternoon, the traffic wasn't so bad.  We parked relatively easily.

The line to get into the farm shop was pretty long.  I figured we would get in line, see how it's moving, and bail if it was a terribly long wait.  The line was almost all in the shade, and moved even faster than we could have hoped for.  

There were no signs of any of the show members, but I didn't expect them to be there on a random Sunday afternoon in June.  We both thought it would be neat, since we were so close, to go to the Farm Shop.  

And it was -- since we had cancelled our dinner plans, Carol grabbed two individual lamb pies servings and two individual pork pie servings.  I picked up two bottles of Hawkstone Lagers to drink later.  At the register I did an impulse purchase of a brownie to share after dinner.  The lamb and pork is raised either on the farm or within 16 miles of it.

All of the food turned out to be quite good -- it was an enjoyable dinner after Carol heated it all up in the oven.

After the Farm Shop, we went around back to the Big View Cafe.  Clarkson had opened a restaurant but was forced to close it by NIMBYs on the council.  While the restaurant has closed, he's somehow finagled a way to open the Cafe.  Carol got an ice cream and I got a Hawkstone Lager.   

We hung out, Carol enjoying her ice cream and me enjoying my beer, and both of us enjoying the (hazy) Big View.  We chatted a bit with our picnic table mate, a young man who felt twelve pounds was a bit steep for the well-regarded hamburger.  We ended sitting with him because the place was so packed there wasn't an open table.

After our brush with Clarkson's Diddly Squat Farm Shop, we headed back to the DYC to relax.  We ended up playing the longest game of fetch ever with a dog (our dogs don't fetch, sigh) while relaxing in the yard.

The entry sign.

The field stone.

The line to get in Diddly Squat Farm Shop.

Rounding the corner, about to get in.
Note the "Cow Juice" machine.

Part of the Big View.  Haze not typical.

The small building to the right is the
Farm Shop, while the longer building
to the left is the Big View Cafe.

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