Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Photos of Westminster Abbey

There's a lot of photos here.  Sorry, not sorry.  There are many other awesome pics I didn't include for "brevity."

First selfie of the trip.

The choir, which I would consider joining, 
except for the whole "unable to hit a 
note" thing that has always hampered
my singing career.

Much of the stained glass is from
the 1500's, but not purchased
by the Abbey until 1758.

Don't have a cow, man.

The random coats of arms on 
various graves/memorials
are quite colorful.

Another view of the choir.

Rose windows will always
make it into the blog.

Likewise, lions will always
make it into the blog.

Two dead people.  Don't ask me who --
there are so many graves/memorials
it's nearly impossible to keep track!

The apse of the church.

These stickers are on various
stalls in the choir.

The tomb of Mary Queen of Scots.
I would not want to mess with
this lion.

He looks quite composed as
he lay there, decomposing.

The cloisters of the Abbey.

The towers, pictured
from the cloisters.

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