Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Great Name For A Bar In Kenya: The Watering Hole

After our safari walkabout and subsequent breakfast, I pretty figured the morning drive was over.  But no, James had another treat in store for us.  He drove us up a hill to a crowded watering hole.  On the side of the hill heading up, there were antelope, gazelles, and impalas dotting the hillside.

Even more impressive was the crowd at the watering hole.  Elephants, white rhinos, and zebras crowded in to quench their thirst.  The only thing this watering hole was missing was a Billy Joel wanna-be doing a cover of Piano Man.  

At one point, it looked like there would be an angry confrontation between a rhino and an elephant, but a brawl was averted as both teenage animals thought better of it and backed off, possibly with some advice from their respective elders.

The zebras cleared out quickly, and further up the hill we watched a lonely banished male elephant watching everything closely, and it appeared he wished he could be part of the family.  He never did try to join the group, and eventually moved off.

After the rhinos moved along, James repositioned the Land Rover so we had a commanding view of the water hole.  We were thoroughly entertained by the elephants playing and splashing in and through the water.  It really is a delight to watch elephants at play.

It was an amazing morning of a game drive, a safari walkabout, and a visit to a watering hole.

Impala on the move.  The curved
horns are works of art to me.

He gave us the stink eye for a while
 after we pulled in.  No harm, no foul.

Shortly after this picture, an animal
version of West Side Story nearly
broke out, but the kerfluffle ended
quickly and peacefully.

Oxpecker on the very scratched
up back of a rhino.

Your starting left defensive end, nose tackle,
and right defensive end for the Lewa

This was the rhino who was giving
us the stink eye.  He chilled out.

A crash of rhinos.

This bull elephant was not allowed to
join in any reindeer elephant games.

Is it still horseplay when elephants do it,
or is it really elephantplay?

A little high-stepping!

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