Tuesday, September 19, 2023

I Hear The Drums Echoing Tonight

(Editor:  I've never interrupted before the first sentence back-to-back before, but are you going to jam lyrics from Toto's Africa as the blog post headlines down our throats?  Writer: You betcha!)

After reuniting over breakfast with Sanjiv and Meena for the first time in person since saying our goodbyes in April 2022 while leaving the Galapagos, we flew on a tiny plane from Nairobi's Wilson Airport to Newa Conservancy's dirt strip airfield.  

From front to back: Sanjiv, Carol,
Meena, and the Iron Tourist.

Sanjiv and some blogger.

Pre-flight selfie.

The plane ride was uneventful, and we were immediately greeted by James, the Kenyan who was to be our guide for the three days at Sirikoi Lodge (if you google it, you'll see it's pretty posh, but after all, "it's the posh, posh traveling life, the traveling life for me!")

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