Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Doo, Doo, Doo, Looking Out My Back Door

Spoiler alert, we’ve been to all three places we are staying, and Sirikoi Lodge is my favorite of the three.  The cottage is perfect for the four of us, and the number of animals we could watch from either our porch or the dining boma is unreal. And, of course, having three indoor fireplaces (one in each room) and the firepit is a huge plus.

(As always, I’m now days behind on the blog, but that always happens.  No fear, I will get caught up a few days after returning to the States.) 

After the morning drive, Sanjiv and Meena did an outing about a 30-35 minute drive away from the Lodge, where they hikes among waterfalls and cool water pools.  They really enjoyed it.

Meanwhile, Carol and I decided to chill at the Lodge, including receiving massages.  Before we did that, the house giraffe, Tito, and her standoffish male companion walked across the back yard right behind our deck.  That had never happened to Carol or I before, so we were thrilled.  

Tito is called the house giraffe because she hangs out at the lodge, walking around, bumming snacks off guests (only with a staffer present, of course).  She came right up to the back of our porch and ate some of the shrubs.  See this link if you missed it.

Many other animals strolled through our yard that afternoon, which meant I didn’t get as far on the blog as I would have liked.  That said, I’d rather see the animals.

The second big thrill of the backyard was when three zebras went strolling/slightly running past our porch.  Carol was off to her massage, but I alertly captured them on my iPhone video.  There will be a separate blog post below this one with the video (it loads and plays better if there’s not much text or other photos.)  (Well, it will be added when I have better WiFi than I have right now just outside of Kilimanjaro International Airport.  Alas, Kili is clouded in right now, but we can see a little of it.  Hopefully we'll have a better view in a few hours.)

(Editor: Besides being a Creedence Clearwater Revival wink, any chance the title is a hat tip to a recently retired World Series close?  Writer: Possibly.) 

She plays first base on the 
Lewa Conservancy softball

Our backyard.  Three zebras. 
A little slice of heaven.

Zebra decides to check me out.

The three zebra, just 15 yards
away from me on the deck.

Two heads are better than one.

Mommas, don't let your babies
grow up to be poachers.

In my opinion, impalas are the
second-most stately antelope.
(The answer is to come).

Elephant crossing near our back porch.

Group lunch at Sirikoi.

Carol in the pool, photo taken
from our back porch.

Elephants directly across 
from our porch.

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