Thursday, September 28, 2023

An Undisclosed Location On the Kenya-Tanzania Border

The landscape at Masai Mara looks a lot like the Serengeti, primarily because the two adjoin each other and there is no difference between the two.

The line between the two parks is the border of Kenya (Masai Mara) and Tanzania.  The land is quite striking – as is every bit we saw of Kenya and Tanzania.  Carol had fun stepping between the two countries, hopping one footed between each country.  

There are markers (see photo below) every 50 yards or so, with the occasional sign that you are not allowed into Tanzania without the express written consent of the NFL (that might not be the exact wording, but you get the idea).

It was fun to be in two countries at once.  And the land is beautiful.  It’s grassy plains with the sudden upthrust of hills every so often.  There appears to be plenty of water holes for animals, although we did see lions at several of the watering holes, so that would make your average zebra or gazelle kind of jumpy.

The dirt road zigs and zags along the border for quite some time.  I’m not sure we saw another vehicle there at all.  

It was pretty neat to be the only people in view on the border.

At the border.

We are all standing in Tanzania in this pic.

Well, we did have Tanzania visas
for our next third location.

There are an unusually number of carcasses
along the border.  I suppose having to wait
in the immigration line makes it easier for
predators to pick-off their prey?

Sanjiv would have joined the order of the
 Cape Buffalo if he had been on the Flintstones.

Baby warthogs might be the
most fun animals to watch. 

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