Tuesday, September 26, 2023

And Now, The Rest Of The Story

Err, the rest of the drive.  After the thrills of the safari walkabout, the breakfast in the rolling hills of Lewa Conservancy, and the watering hole, the rest of the drive was uneventful.

Well, it was uneventful if you consider seeing giraffes, zebras (including a badly wounded zebra – photo below), elephants, great cranes, and rhinos to be uneventful.  The four of us were still buzzing about the safari walkabout, breakfast, and the watering hole as we got back to Sirikoi Lodge close to lunch time.

Proud reticulated giraffes are quick to
articulate where they matriculated.

Elephants are big.  The land is bigger.

Check out the scar on this zebra.  It is
most likely a sign that it successfully
fought off a lion attack.

This is a great crane.  Well, I don't know
that this one personally (birdaly?) is
great, but that's the type of bird it is.

When you've got food hanging out of
your mouth, you are having a good day.

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