Thursday, September 28, 2023

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

On our way from the serval sighting (well, by me, not Carol or Sanjiv heh, heh, heh!) we passed by a couple of different species of African eagles.  It was past sundown, so my photos didn’t turn out well.

We pulled up to the river where two safari vehicles were already doing sundowners (drinks at sundown in the savanna/bush).  Robert broke out the sundowners for us as well – we were bummed that Meena wasn’t there.

Walking over to the rocks above the river, it was enthralling to see the hippos much more active than the other two times we’ve seen the massive creature.  And there were more than just two hippos, there were at least five.

After watching them for a while, we headed back to Bateleur for dinner.  

One of the eagles.

Moments earlier, they went into
a frenzy scarfing down marbles.

Yawning hippo.

When a hippo yawns, it is a warning sign. Hippos yawn to display their jaws and long, sharp teeth. When the hippo feels threatened, it spreads its jaws wide and adopts an aggressive posture, attacking anything who enters its area or gets too close to its young, even crocodiles.*

*Source: African Safaris Ltd.

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