Friday, September 29, 2023

Near The Village, The Peaceful Village, The Lion Sleeps Tonight. . .Wee Heeheehee Weeoh Aweem Away

After the balloon ride, we landed and were take by jeep to a champagne breakfast.  About 60 people took balloons that morning, so there were five long tables set up, with plenty of food -- muffins, croissants, fruit, muesli, juices, and much more.  There was also an omelet station, and the traditional post-flight glasses of champagne. 

It was quite the post-flight fun.  Then Robert picked us up at the breakfast field, and we headed off on a morning game drive, extending the high we had from the balloon ride.

Very quickly, we came to some semi-snoozing lionesses and their cubs.  I say "semi-snoozing" because the cubs would climb all over sleeping moms and aunts, which the adult lionesses were clearly quite used to.  

Here's some lion photos, and then some post lion photos as well:

This one wasn't just lion
around, she was stretching.

Deep in conversation.

A bit of nuzzling going on.

Zebras on the march, heading
to the Serengati.

Zebras and elephants passing by.

Appears mom is teaching her 
young one some valuable skills.

Momma Warthog and her piglets.

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