Friday, September 22, 2023

The First Morning Drive

The way safari works is that you do a morning and an evening game drive.  A lot of safari camps also offer a safari walk as well as a night game drive.  Sirikoi doesn't offer a night game drive, which is fine, but we definitely wanted to do the safari walk, which will be the topic of the next blog post.

(Editor: Interesting strategy.  Writer: What?  Editor: Wasting your lede for this post on the next post!  Writer got a point, but I'm using this portion to give background info for anyone who is considering a safari.)

The morning drives typically start between 6 to 6:30 am, returning at breakfast (9 am), unless you are having breakfast out on the savanna, in which case you are out until lunch.  Then you do your late afternoon drive around 4:30-5 pm, although if the sun sets later, I suppose you'd start later.

Arrival day is too late for a morning drive, but you do get an afternoon drive.  After lunch you have free time to read, blog, catch up on work, take a swim if there is a pool, get a massage if there is a spa, of other activities.

So, our first full day at Sirikoi Lodge, we got up early to get ready for the morning drive.  The Lodge delivered coffee, tea, and biscuits to the cottage around 5:45, as we were starting at 6:30. 

Our first morning drive also included our walking safari for the three days, so this post will feature photos from the early part of the drive, while the next will have photos from the walk.

 The main predators of Common Zebras are
lions and hyenas.  Zebras do have a vicious
kick that can break a jaw or kill.  We 
have seen several zebras with nasty
scars on their backsides, but they
are still alive because of their kick.

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille

Readers love pictures of baby animals.
Yes, even baby rhinos.  How can
you resist that?

When an elephant tells a bad joke, the
other elephants say, "tusk, tusk" instead
of "tsk, tsk."

Every picture of an African
landscape that features a lone
tree is iconic, such as 
this one.

A male impala.  They can run fast, and
their horns allow them to be furious.
Vin Diesel should cast this guy in his next
Fast & Furious movie, which I believe
will be Fast & Furious 314.

An African landscape photo that features
a lone tree AND an elephant is not
just iconic, it is super-iconic. 
(Editor: Still making up words I see.)

Older bulls leave the herd to live in small
bachelor groups known as "dagga boys."
I know it sounds like a Jamaican reggae
band, but "dagga" refers to the coat of
mud older bulls use to keep biting
flies away.

Just another iconic photo.

A tower of giraffes.  (Yes, that's one word
for a group of giraffes.  It's perfect!)

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