Thursday, September 28, 2023

The lion does not need the whole world to fear him, only those nearest where he roams.*

Suddenly Robert drove off-road, and we saw some other safari rovers in the distance.  Sure enough, there was a singular male lion drinking at a small watering hole.  

It took a while for it to finish drinking water, which was great to watch.  This male lion had a more impressive mane than the ones we saw at Lewa.  I read that the bigger and more colorful the mane, the more powerful the lion.  It is said that the darker, fuller manes are more likely to attract female attention.

After a short stroll, the King of Beasts plopped down like a dog.  One difference is our dogs immediately go to sleep.  Meanwhile the lion stayed up for a while, surveying his kingdom.

(Editor: I notice you almost always break out lion sightings into separate posts, even if relatively short.  Why?  Writer: Because of their magnificence, The King of Beasts deserves no less.)

* Quote by A. J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, what an AMAZING trip! Truly a trip of a lifetime. Awesome pictures as well…how far were you from the Lyon?