Tuesday, January 23, 2024

An American In Bangkok

So, we get to Bangkok and we want Thai food, right?  Well, no.  Terri Allen has a friend who is friends with/related to the American owner of Roadhouse Barbecue Co, Ltd.  

She suggested we eat there.  Honestly, I wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but sometimes you have to let someone else drive.  Turns out it was a wonderful meal and a great time, as the owner, Dana Caron, sat with us for the meal and regaled us with stories of life as an American in Bangkok, and as a restauranteur.  He’s a fascinating guy, and the meal was definitely one of the highlights of our time in Bangkok.

Pat and Terri Allen with Dana Caron

Dana had come to Bangkok over 20 years ago to run food services for a convention center.  Seventeen years ago, he started a restaurant in a rundown old business, and turned it into a go-to spot for American expats, Thais wanting a taste of authentic American food, and anyone looking for a good time.

He is an interesting person to talk with.  The restaurant is three levels, including a sports bar on the third floor.  They show all sorts of sports, including the Super Bowl live and replays of NFL games during football season.

The second floor is for private events, and the first floor is the main part of the restaurant.   

Oh, and the food was delicious too.  Carol and I split the Friday special – a huge rack of tasty ribs served with chicken wings.  We couldn’t eat it all.

If you have gotten this far into this post and still think we should have had Thai food for our first dinner in Bangkok, I’m sorry, but you weren’t there.  I would not have wanted to eat there without the experience of having dinner with the owner.  But, since he joined us, I’m so glad we did,

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