Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Photos From Chiang Mai Temples

Here's a bunch of photos from various and sundry Chiang Mai temples.  They are pretty cool.  If you don't agree, you have my permission to scroll past them.

(Editor: "Sundry" is an awesome word.  You don't use it enough.  Writer: I'll try harder!)

The Chiang Mai temples
gang of seven, plus
your beloved blogger

(Editor: Beloved?  Surely you
jest.  Writer: I do not jest, and
don't call me Shirley!)

What's more impressive? The lion
or the various and sundry wires?

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
There's a joke about politicians here
somewhere, but I don't have it off
the top of my head.

Seven-headed nagas are even 
cooler than five-headed nagas.

You might be, but I will never
tire of these dragons.

Not sure why a dragon is eating
a dragon, but I have to take a
picture of it when I see it.

Not a sculpture, an actual rooster.

Anything that's not about
an elephant is irrelephant!

(Editor: You've already used
that joke.  Writer: And yet
I never tire of it!)

It's red-faced, red-armed
flying red people eater.

The black and white temple is a
very different vibe than the
usual gold and colorful ones.

I need this for my backyard.

It's the famed Chiang Mai
Instagram bridge of flowers!

Oh my Buddha!

Even the doors are interesting.

Wild horses couldn't drag me away.

CMIBCS, or Chiang Mai Instagram
Bridge Couples Selfie.

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