Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Country Number 42

Landing in Luang Prabang, Laos is a revelation.  The sky was clear; it didn't remain that way, sad trombone, and the surrounding mountains are gorgeous.

Alas, I didn't take any pictures walking off the plane, across the tarmac, and into the terminal.  You don't mess around in a communist country by slowing to take your camera out and taking a bunch of pictures.

One lady ahead of us veered away from the terminal because she wanted to take a picture of the terminal, primarily because the huge "Welcome to Luang Prabang" is pretty cool.

That's it, that's the post.  But do know if you go to Luang Prabang, the airport is a stunning setting.  It's not quite the remarkable view of the Remarkables (mountain range) in Queenstown, New Zealand, but it's definitely on the top five list. 

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