Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Pop A Top, Again

Our first stop our first morning in Laos was to an interesting place call Ock Pop Tok, a living crafts center on the banks of the Mekong River.

(Aside: growing up, I never would have expected to have been to the Mekong -- it seemed so foreign and far away to me.)

(Editor: Technically speaking, it IS "foreign and far away")

It is a living crafts center that was founded and is run by women of Laos, for women of Laos.  Their goal is to keep the textile traditions of Laos alive.  Their goal is to teach young women how to make a living as artisan weavers.

Besides walking around the beautiful riverside setting, to me the most interesting part was the talk on the process of making silk, starting with silkworms.  I never thought I'd see a silkworm, much less get to hold one.  And yet did, passing a silkworm around even though it was hard to get off your finger.  

Anyhow, it was a very interesting visit, and afterwards, we had time to shop (of course).

(Editor: Going back to the top of this blog post, I am impressed you were able to use a Jim Ed Brown song -- later a hit for Alan Jackson -- as the title.  Writer: Who didn't see the center name, "Ock Pop Tok" and immediately think of "Pop A Top, Again"?  Let's face, every reader immediately connected the two!  Editor: I think you overestimate your readership's familiarity with '90s country music.  Writer, pondering that point: Perhaps.

The silk presentation.  (It's a little weird that
Ock Pop Tok is by women, for women, but
they had men giving the talks.

Carol, thrilled to hold a silkworm.

Close up of the silkworm.

Beautiful setting for Ock Pop Tok

For a beautiful view of the Mekong.

Small boat on the Mekong.

Quite the view.

Street scene outside the craft center.

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