Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Bunch of Pictures From The Alcazar

Contrary to popular rumor, the place was NOT built by some dude named King Al Cazar.

Okay, so these first few photos are NOT of the
Alcazar.  This is a Roman mausoleum.

Mercado Victoria

The Almodovar Gate into the City.

A Roman column, as part of 
some random restaurant.

A narrow street in the Jewish
Quarter.  Those people
wouldn't move, so I had to 
just take the picture.

The bell tower for the Mezquita.

The straw window shades do double duty.
They keep the cold air out in the winter, and
in the summer they are sprayed with water
to help act as air conditioning.

Now THIS is the Alcazar.

The famed Roman bridge,
as seen from the Alcazar

Orange trees in a courtyard.

Alcazar walls and a cypress tree.

Gargoyle who has seen better days.

Left by prisoners of the Spanish Inquisition.


Roman sarcophagus 



Sea monsters

The gardens

A good look back at the Alcazar.

A dead king.

Columbus: Got any spare cash?
King/Queen: Let us check our pockets.

Photo bombs are a thing, apparently.

A last look at the Alcazar.

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