Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Random Walk Through Cordoba

Friday night's rain ended sometime overnight, and the day dawned sunny and cold.  We had a packed day, but were on hold until Maddy arrived on the train from Madrid around 11:40 am.  She had flown in overnight, taxi'd to the train station and was going to be headed our way.

First I popped over to a little shop down the block to buy some jamon, cheese, and water for breakfast.  The place was just opening and I was their first customer of the day.  I was warned off the bread since it was day-old. 

Carol and I took a walk, letting Torie sleep in (after all, it is her spring break!).  We walked over and around the Mosque/Cathedral, also known as La Mezquita.  It started out as a cathedral, became a mosque, and then was redone as a cathedral after Spain was liberated from the Muslim conquerors.

Spain is a late rising country, especially on a Saturday.  Few people were stirring, few shops and restaurants were open, until we got close to the Mezquita.  It was not exactly bustling, but there were tourists out and about, and shopkeepers seeking to sell them various wares.

On our way back, we found a fabulous bakery, where we bought giant chocolate croissants.  We feasted once again on jamon, bread, cheese, olives, and, in addition, chocolate croissants.

Then we headed over to the train station.  Maddy and I exchanged texts, and just then she popped up the escalator right when we were, by chance, passing it.
Sister reunion

After dropping Maddy's bag off at the apartment, we headed back over to Mercado Victoria to get lunch quickly.  This time we hit a different restaurant, ate quickly, and headed back to meet our guide for the afternoon.

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