Thursday, March 22, 2018

Going Back In Time

Our next stop after the YSL/Majorelle gardens (both deserve credit) was unexpected.  Rachid took us to an antiques shop owned by his friend Saba (I think that is the spelling, if not, sorry) in the downtown area.  

We were the only customers at the time, so Saba took care to show us around.  First Carol picked out some earrings to consider, and then Saba gave us the tour.  Wow.  We went into the back room, and then downstairs into the basement.  It was though we went back in time to a grandmother's house, except that these pieces were worth something!  

The antiques Saba has are amazing. Our friend Marney would love this store, and we later found out it is Peggy's favorite store (more on Peggy in a later post).

These are authentic, hard to find Berber antiques, including an amazing dowry box, old wooden doors with character, daggers, stylized guns, rugs (we were set!), ancient keys, lamps, tables inlaid with camel bone, mother of pearl, cedar wood, and other amazing antiques.  IF we were decorating our home in the Berber style, this would be the place to be.  But, we are not.

The piece de resistance came at the end.  They (she and her brothers operate the shop, which was started by her family back in the 1960s) have an original Majorelle, which is no longer for sale.  It was brought down from upstairs and unwrapped.  It was amazing getting to see a work by an important artist (just because I've never heard of him before this trip doesn't mean he's not important!).

Btw, here is an example of Majorelle's work, copied from Wikipedia.

After that, we were dropped off across from the Koutoubia at Portofino for a light lunch of homemade Italian pasta.  (We were eating gobs of Moroccan food for dinner, so going French on day 1 and Italian on day 3 did not faze us).

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