Sunday, March 25, 2018

Pictures From Hassan II Mosque

It's great to be to be king!  You get to name a large building after yourself. I noted that he gave one-third of the money, but Carol accurately replied that the money is from the people.  The rest of it was done with donations from the people, so, as usual, all the money came from the people and the political leaders took credit for it.  

It cost an estimated $800 million dollars, but as our guide pointed out, who knows what the actual amount spent was!

This IS the world's largest minaret.

They have titanium doors to 
withstand the corrosive
effects of the sea.

At home, we also have a chandelier
from Murano.  It is slightly smaller.

Carol speculates the design is to
show the mountains of Morocco.

The middle seal of the ceiling
separates in three minutes to
provide fresh air and views of the sky.

East from this door is North Carolina.

The cool marble floor is heated in the winter.

Heading downstairs to
the ablution room.

Note the size of the people 
in relation to the door.

Ablution fountains.

The lighthouse from the mosque.
It's quite far away (great zoom lens!)

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