Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Scenes From Around Marrakech

Fountain with Koutoubia Mosque in the distance

Another fountain, same minaret.

Less artsy photo, same concept.

Top of the mosque's minaret.  No building in a 
town or city can be taller than the main minaret.

Some day they will play for Barcelona, PSG, 
or Chelsea.  Probably not, but the key is they
are playing for fun, not in a structured league.

The scientific name for this is "cool tree."
Okay, so I have no idea what this is!

I thought I would spice this up a bit.

Street scene

I have a bad feeling that donkey's luck
is going to turn as soon as November.

I'm not lion -- this was just outside the carpet store.

Kids at play

I have no idea what these are, 
but they are quite colorful.

Seller of traditional Moroccan clothes

For that Indiana Jones vibe.

I did not want to go in front of the snake.

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