Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Warning, If Pictures of the Dead Heads of Goats Will Freak You Out, Skip Past This Post!

Scenes from the market:

Minion Heaven! (Buh-nan-nas!)

Most of the stalls were just covered in tarps, 
but there were a few stone structures.

Going past the grilling stations always
smelled good.  We did not try anything,
as the warnings about street food
in Myanmar are not easily forgotten.

From our two and half days so far, it appears
stylized Yankee hats means the Bronx
Bombers are the most popular sports team
in Morocco.  I'm betting two things -- MLB is
NOT getting a cut of these, and that people
think the hat refers just to New York City.

Biggest carrots I've ever seen.  
And all organic. Or so they say!

Orange you glad I posted this picture?

I think this is goat.  Unless it is lamb.

I warned you.

@100%Goats are a great follow on Twitter.
@Deadgoatheads would NOT get as many followers.

This is a. . .well, heck, I have no idea!


This was the only seafood I saw for sale.
Doesn't mean there weren't other stalls, but
we did not pass them if they are there.

Warning: Do Not Eat!!

Olive this picture.  Do you?

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