Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A Mad Dash Through The Night

We got back to the recently renamed town of Machu Picchu with nearly an hour before we needed to be at the train station.  Our guides gave us the option of shopping through the market, or going to a bar to get a drink.  

I’m pretty certain that everyone choose the bar option.  We packed a table of eight and enjoyed a post exploration drink.

We dutifully marched back through town to the train station, hopped on the train.  After gathering in the bar car to sing happy birthday to someone, we received the unpleasant announcement that there as a transportation strike called for midnight.  Part of the strike is to block the roads.  Our guides had scrambled, making alternate arrangements for us to drive back to Cusco from our hotel after our arrival.

With the vans speeding through the valleys and over the mountain passes in the night, the trip gave off the vibe of running guns, or drugs, or executing a secret CIA mission.  

(Editor’s note: Um, do you have something to confess?  Blogger: Oh don’t worry, no actual guns, drugs, or CIA agents were transported. . .that we know of!).

So after we arrived back at our beautiful hotel that we had looked forward to spending another night at, we had twenty minutes to pack.  I can’t speak for everyone, but I was tired and resigned to a not so relaxing evening.  

In the van back to Cusco, I tried some photo editing, but the roads were far too bouncy.  So I read some, tried to sleep, may have dozed.  We got back to Cusco in record time, and checked into our hotel for two nights.  It’s a nice hotel, but not well lit and nowhere near as special as the previous one.

It’s not quite the posh, posh traveling life, but the mad dash was realy just a minor inconvenience capstone to an incredible day.

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