Friday, April 15, 2022

Gotta Lava It

Photos from Sullivan Bay

The dominant color at Sullivan Bay.

A literal lava lizard.  Different
than a lounge lizard.  More
thoughtful to talk to, for example.

Lava pipe.

Red rocks beyond the black rocks.


Anahi has our attention.

The red in the middle makes it look a. . .

. . .bit like a charred steak that is
medium rate inside.

Anahi makes her point,
literally AND figuratively.

Cool patterns.

"Rope" lava.

Sanjiv meant to end up here.

"Life finds a way."

Another group from our ship,
walking on the moon.

Q: How cool is this?  A: very!

I wanna stand upon a rock
like I did when I was young,
and hold your hand in mine. . .

And hear you say you'll love me until the end of time.
I want to find forever in every moment that we spend,
Cause when it's gone, it won't be back again.

Bruce is an intense guy,
trying to do emails
whilst in such
natural splendor.
(Just busting his chops --
I'm sure he's checking a cool
iPhone photo!)

Even a dead locust is a sign of life.
Or is it?  Getting metaphysical here.

So this photo gives off a Planet of the
Apes vibe to me.  Am I the only one?

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