Tuesday, April 12, 2022

We're Having Kittens For Dessert

Mary had made reservations at Yaku restaurant, just a couple blocks off the Plaza de Armas.  

I decided to take a gamble and ordered Alpaca steak.  Figured since I had a bit of Guinea Pig for lunch, might as well go all out.

Surprisingly, it was delicious!  Absolutely fabulous, so I shared a bite with Carol, Neil, and Bruce, and they all liked it as well.  Neil noted that it tastes like veal, and he nailed it.

So I texted a photo of the Alpaca steak to the family text group, with the note "Daddy's first alpaca.  Very tasty."

The Alpaca Steak

Julia was quick to reply: "Today's the day of eating cuddly animals huh."  I read it aloud.

Neil fed me my reply: "Kittens for dessert!"

Towards the end of our meal, two musicians showed up and starting playing traditional Peruvian music.  One was playing three instruments at once, including a drum with his foot.  We stuck around to listen for a little bit, then tipped well, appreciative of what they were doing.

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