Monday, April 11, 2022

Photos from Machu Picchu

Graphic warning: There are a LOT of photo in this post!  But, I had no choice, as it is the amazing spectacle that is Machu Picchu.

Our train.

Typical shot of typical mountains in typical
cloud forest.  Every direction we looked
was spectacular.

See what I mean.

Our guide Alvin.  Peru has this stupid anti-science
rule that you have to be masked outside.

Not everyone followed the
rules, myself included.

The money shot?
Not quite yet.

The "money shot."
The "me with my honey money shot."

How do you tell the difference between a llama
and an alpaca?  Beats me, but people smarter
than I (that is to say, Carol) tells me this is a llama.

This never gets old.  But, it is old.
This blog really makes you think eh.

Don't you just want to take one home?

The wild and wooly Urubamba
River, in the valley far below
Machu Picchu.

This llama was so kind to pose for me!
I believe this is the best llama I took.
Thoughts, dear readers?

A trio of llamas is called 
"a trio of llamas."

Okay, I know there are a lot of
photos from this vantage point,
but it is pretty amazing.

Some of the group.  L to R: Sanjiv,
Meena, Neil, Iron Tourist, Mary,
Mrs. Iron Tourist, Nancy,
Bruce, and Charles.

Pretty cool shot of the
terraces and the river.

Looks like an old Scottish village.

Row houses.

The temple of the Sun.

Bruce took this photo,
quite well I must say.

A temple falling down.

Sunshine on the side of a
mountain makes me happy.

In total we saw four rainbows,
all near the end of our visit.

Nobody knows what these two
circular things are for.  There are
many theories, but that doesn't
make any of them right.

One last picture for this post.

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